What it Really Means to be a Petrolhead

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Do you ever wonder what makes you such a car person? Or why you are one in the first place? Or what really drives you to think completely differently about cars than most normal people?

I think about these things quite often, mostly because I get stuck in conversations with non car people who don’t get my petrolhead ways. This usually happens when someone asks me what I do for a living and I tell them I’m an automotive writer. They usually squint and say, “can you really make a living doing that?” Or “don’t you run out of things to write about, I mean it’s just cars right?”

Most people just don’t get it and never will. But true enthusiasts — no matter what clique they’re in, be it Chevy, Ford, Ferrari, Subaru, or Scions — they understand that mentality. We all share the same affliction.

If you’ve been having trouble relaying the petrolhead mindset to folks who just don’t get it, I direct you to this excellently put together video by CarThrottle on what it really means to be a petrolhead. That way you can save valuable explanation time, which could be much better spent driving.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [Car Throttle]

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