Slayer tC? What is Going On?

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scion-sema-1_1035What do you picture of the clientele that usually buys Scion cars? Two ends of the spectrum right? Youthful and those elderly individuals that like the easy access that the xB offers right? It’s geriatrics and club rats, what I don’t picture though are fans of the thrash metal group Slayer, but for some reason Scion does. That’s why for SEMA this year, they are bringing a Slayer themed tC that the band helped design.

I don’t know who at the head office thought this was a good idea, or that fans of Slayer would suddenly start buying tC’s because of this, but this has got to be one of the weirdest pairings in history. I think both parties are a bit delusional to be honest, Slayer’s guitarist Kerry King was quoted saying, “Slayer’s fans are going to be excited when we reveal what a metal-inspired Scion tC looks like.” No Kerry, they won’t. They will think you all have sold out. That’s what they will think.

Let’s move away from the obvious non-realities the parties are living in and talk about this “metal Slayer” tC. All we have is a sketch right now, but from that we can see the car is slammed to the ground with a set of what look like more vintage style wheels. This being a “Slayer” and SEMA tC, I’m sure the trunk is filled with speakers with adapters to plug a guitar into and some trick interior.

I don’t know whether this is Scion trying to appeal to a different segment, or if this is Slayer trying to remain relevant, but in all honesty I don’t think either are going to get much out of the deal. Slayer fans are now in their late 30’s to early 40’s and aren’t buying Scion’s, they can afford higher priced cars and will likely go that route.

Will be able to see this  Slayerized tC in November when SEMA begins, but I’m interested in what you all think. Is this a good pairing or really misguided?

Let me know on the forum! >>


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