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Shadow_Fax 08-01-2005 11:04 PM

which intake is better?
really quick question....i want to know which intake is gonna give me the best "bang for my buck"....would it be the K&N (about $175) or the Injen (about $230)?? what do you guys think??

teksno 08-01-2005 11:32 PM
learn to use the search function...

Shadow_Fax 08-01-2005 11:40 PM the time it took you to post that, you could have just answered my question with either, K&N or Injen.....sad really

Lyracon 08-01-2005 11:47 PM

I think you need a seizure for your rather obnoxious post. But to be on topic I prefer the Injen. I believe they are both the same from a not too technical stand point. Just go with whatever is cheaper.

emiller 08-01-2005 11:55 PM

pretty much the same. go with cheaper.

mill0048 08-02-2005 12:09 AM

With the Injen are you talkin' CAI or the Short Ram? I found a couple of places with SR's for $120. There's a sticky called 'Intake Shootout' I beleive, and it seems they all are about the same...

teksno 08-02-2005 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by Shadow Fax the time it took you to post that, you could have just answered my question with either, K&N or Injen.....sad really

and in the same amount of time you could of used the search function and found your answer...this has been covered so many times and i dont know why people refuse to use the search function...

in fact here is a thred that asks THE EXACT SAME BLOODY QUESTION!!!

and yet another
and one more that related
wait... one more....
am i proving my point yet....
i love stupid people i love stupid people i love stupid people... (if i dont keep telling this to my self i may just snap and kill everyone one day

Shadow_Fax 08-02-2005 06:51 PM

why should i bother using the search function when someone like you will go through all the trouble of finding and linking the pages for me?

acasanova 08-02-2005 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by Shadow Fax
why should i bother using the search function when someone like you will go through all the trouble of finding and linking the pages for me?

Just for that remark and your lazyness, you will find yourself going through some real tough times on this forum. :loser:

toastbox 08-02-2005 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by Shadow Fax
why should i bother using the search function when someone like you will go through all the trouble of finding and linking the pages for me?

Read the rules before you post :

4. I promise to use the search feature before I post new questions.

Violating that subects you to countless unnecessary ridicule from people who are frustrated by repeatedly asked questions.

If you're going to throw stuff in our faces, for not helping you, when you aren't following the rules, no one will help you at all. Instead of being nice about it (like I am now), they're going to tell you to go f**k yourself.

Now, I can understand how you feel, as you are relatively new to this site, and you asked what you thought was a reasonable question. Then for a response, in stead of an answer, you get 15 people are jumping on you about "use the damn search button" That's infuriating....they're blasting you without explaining why. Naturally you felt attacked, and you responded in turn.

So...let me help you help yourself with a few pointers:

1) use the red search button. changing the option to search for "all terms" will narrow your results, thus giving you a more accurate response.

2)searching for (in this example) "which intake is best", not finding the results you need, and then posting your question is not searching. It is expected that you will do multiple searches, example "intake comparisons", "k&n or injen", "intake preference", etc etc. What I'm getting at is that the search should be used a few times before you give up and post.

3) if you get blasted by someone , take it with a grain of salt. don't respond with arrogance and insults or even stuff like your last post. Try real hard not to stoop to a ____ing contest here. If someone insists on slamming you undeserved, try and be the better person. Two people acting like 5 year olds is worse than one, 3 is worse than 2, I'm sure you get the picture. Remember that this is an internet forum, designed to help people. Getting into a flame contest with anyone, deserved or otherwise, is so juvenile its pathetic.

4)Above and to the right of the red search button is the Rules button. Read/follow those, and less people will give you any crap.

matty-tC 08-02-2005 07:27 PM


get the turbonator

matty-tC 08-02-2005 07:28 PM

listen to toastbox... he's polite enough to either copy and paste that or type it all out for you LOL

as for the search button....

Lonely_Raven 08-02-2005 07:47 PM

Wait, wait, wait....

This thread hasn't been moved?

Shadow Fax started a tC question in the proper forum!!

He deserves to be put up on a pedestal for that!!

matty-tC 08-02-2005 10:25 PM


peteyd 08-03-2005 01:06 AM

wow.........harshness.........but seems well dserved

teksno 08-03-2005 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by Shadow Fax
why should i bother using the search function when someone like you will go through all the trouble of finding and linking the pages for me?

because it should be embarassing to be proven that you are a tool... not to mention people will start ignoring you and your idiotic threads that have already been answered. so even if you have a valid point or question, it will go unseen.

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven
Wait, wait, wait....

This thread hasn't been moved?

Shadow Fax started a tC question in the proper forum!!

He deserves to be put up on a pedestal for that!!

well at least he did that right...

raWr215 08-03-2005 02:08 PM

flame on!

n e way go wtih K&N, because you can buy their cleaning product just about any auto stores

toastbox 08-03-2005 02:10 PM

^^ and of course, you couldn't use that K&N cleaning product on any other filter....

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