The Craziest Scion xB Car Chase Ever.

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Look, I love the Scion xB as much as the next guy, but I don’t think it makes the best getaway car. It’s great for hauling your groceries and band equipment around town, but I think I’d want a car that hauls ass. Not stuff. The lady behind the wheel of this xB doesn’t seem to care much about stuff like that. From what I can tell, the only thing she actually cares about is pissing off the police as much as humanly possible.

As far as car chases go, this one ranks pretty highly on the crazy scale. First of all, the woman in the xB looks like she’s messing with the police for the first half of the video. It gets worse as the chase goes on. She doubles back, threads between cop cars, does donuts in the median, she stops, starts… At one point she even gets out of the car and taunts the cops chasing her.

This video is from a while back, but it’s one of the all-time weirdest car chases I’ve seen. Scion related or otherwise.

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