Happy Friday! Time to Make the Donuts!

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I may need a new set of tires.

So I’ve had my FR-S for around 9 or 10 months. I love it to death. It’s precise. It’s nimble. And it is an absolute hoonmobile! And that might be a problem. Now many miles later and many drifts and drift attempts I might need a new set of tires.

 While I haven’t ruined the tires at the track, yet, I have put over 17k miles on the clock already and bombed some pretty epic roads. And this car is a complete hooligan on those roads, and it definitely eats tires like one, especially Prius eco friendly low rolling resistance ones.

 Now you might say that the problem is with me and my right foot, and you may be right. But when you have a car like this that has such good handling in any situation, even in sideways situations, tires tend to get eaten.

So I only have about  20% left on my tire tread! I’ll just blame Toyota for putting crappy eco tires on it right? They’re to blame? I also might possibly own a Hoonigan t-shirt that says Tire Slayer. I’m not making a good case for myself am I?

How fast do you go through tires on your FR-S? >>


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